How to make a decision quickly

Jan 7, 2019 | Mindset

“Hello everyone. I am back. Yes, I have been on a hiatus of sorts since probably about mid November, around Thanksgiving time until December. I’m really doing a lot of soul searching and fasting and praying about what directions to take my business. But nevertheless, I am back to help you guys out in the area of sales when it comes to your business. So we’ll take a few moments to kind of catch up, let you know what I’ve been up to and then we’re going to talk about today’s topic. So welcome to the Nef Nugget, Well, I’m actually gonna change the name. It was never made it last year. This year we’re going to actually call the show Go get it. So it’s going to be the go get his show. That’s actually the name of my business and Go Get It inc. So that’s going to be the name of the show.

I’m here going forward. So welcome to the Go Get it show where we talk all things, faith, finances, and the freedom of being a business owner. And so I am Nefateria Fonda’ and I am a coach, an author and expiring speaker and I help Christian wives that have service based businesses increase their sales in a little as 90 days. And I do that by helping them get clear on who they serve and how they serve them, helping them get confident in the products and services that they offer as well as close those sales so they can make these coins. So today I want you to get a pen and paper ready because we want to talk about how to make the decision quickly. As a business owner, CEO of your business decisions, you have to make decisions on a daily basis.

There’s always things that come up that require you making some sort of decision, whether its logo colors or, or how you want this position on your website. What’s your brand looks like, whether it’s, I’m gonna talk about a decision I made recently which was close my Facebook group. So yes, there’s always decisions that need to be made and I came across. So for those closest CEO friends that I have, they know that I’ve been doing a lot of outside networking. I’ve been an online business owner for going on for about two years full time. But I actually started in 2013 so been full time since 2016 and I just started saying, Hey, I want to do some outside networking.

And so by doing that, that was definitely pushing me outside of my comfort zone. I had been behind the laptop, running the business for awhile and to go out and meet people in person and do those kinds of things, it has definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. Even my wear for this year, it’s stretch. So I’ve been doing that and so we’re going to go hit and get into how to make decisions. So by me, I’m stretching myself, getting out, getting from behind the laptop, things in my life. I had a lot of, I have a lot what we’ll have a lot of services that were offered, a lot of things that I was doing. And because I’m looking to move more in the line of speaking, I said I need to eliminate some of the things that are going on, some of the things that I’m offering because to, to really focus my time on becoming a speaker.

So when I talk about how to make a decision quickly, I’m going to give you some tips to kind of help me to make some decisions that I needed to make in my business, to help me focus more on what my current goal in my business, So find the nightmare. What is the absolute worse thing that can happen if you do x in your business or in your life? So first I want you to find the nightmare. So bear with me, cause I’m, I’m actually doing my own typing for this. So bear with me. What is the worst thing that can happen?

So let’s just talk about my decision to close my Facebook group. So I was like, okay, what’s the worst? What’s the absolute worst that can happen? So for me it was like, okay, if I close the Facebook group, then if I decide I want a Facebook group later, I would have to do it again. It actually, this was my actual second Facebook group. I had one initially, and then I closed that one and then I started a new one on last year. And so define what is the worst thing that can happen once you defined that the next question you should ask yourself what, and I kind of already led to this, is what are the steps that you would need to take to repair the damage of the worst that can happen. So for me, before I get into me in the Facebook group, closing down decision, I ended up having to make.

So step two is what steps would you take to repair the damage of the worst thing that can happen? So for me, the worst thing that could happen was I would have to decide later that I want to know the Facebook group and have to start all over and what would I do to do to repair that and to start over, I would create a new Facebook group, started inviting people, start promoting people to come and hang out with me in that Facebook community. So that would be a couple of steps that I would have had to take if I decided later that, oh, well, Facebook group, I do want a Facebook group now. So step number three would be to what are the benefits that will come from you if I take this step?

So for me, the benefit, for closing the group, it would give me, it will free up some time for me to focus on pursuing the direction of becoming a speaker, and having that is, so that’s what is one, what was one of the benefits for me if I made the decision to close my Facebook. So the other thing is, you know, if it’s a decision where it may deal with, may have some financial consequences, right? So if if like me close in this Facebook group, like having losing some clients or possibly losing some clients, what would I do to gain that finance control, financial control back? And I will type that here as well.

What would, like if it has on financial loss to you, what would you do to get things back on the financial control? So still thinking about the Facebook group. So worst thing that could happen for me with the Facebook group was I had to start all over again. If I decided I wanted a Facebook group, what would I do to repair that damage about us? If I close the Facebook group, then I would just have to create a new one. What would be the benefit for me taking this step and actually closing the group? The benefit for me would be able to free up some time for me to work on pursuing the direction of becoming a speaker. If I close with this group, I’ve lost, I lost times or some type of financial gain, how would I regained that?

We’ll be taking the time that I spent in the group to pursue speaking engagements and as a way of, to kind of possibly replace that income that could have possibly came from a Facebook. So then the other question you have to ask yourself is what are some things you might be putting off? Just because of fear? What is something that you’re putting off? What are you putting off out of fear? So a wall in this whole, should I pose this Facebook group shot, keep this Facebook live, I waddled. I think the biggest thing for me is that I, I spent, you know, time and energy really pushing in that group into like just close it down and start all over. That was probably the fear of like, oh my gosh, I would have to go and do this whole process again of the amount of time and the energy to, to make this group on Facebook and give to the community and stuff like that.

So that, so making it so me, I was putting off initially put off a decision because of that. It was like if I decide at some point I want to do a Facebook group again, I got to go and back and start all over and put as much effort again into building this community. So that was the other thing that I had to think about. And then also you ask yourself what is it costing you to put off taking this action? So by me not making a decision quickly to close the Facebook group, I still had to maintain engagement in serving and all of that in the group. That’s one thing that it was costing me. I was still losing that time by not making the decision to either keep the group open or close it, but going on the way I was thinking about close to my group. So it, what it was constantly was I still had to spend energy and time into this group, which took away time that I would, that I needed or in want to spend in the new direction of my business. So that is something else you need to think about when you’re making a decision or you’re looking to make a decision as seems a little difficult for you.

And then the last question for it. Drum roll. Whoa. What are you waiting for to make whatever decision that’s in your life or in your business or your finances that are keeping you stuck? What are you waiting for? Make the decision off with their heads. I say whatever it is, make the decision. Because by you making the clarity comes through action. So if you make the decision, then as you made the decision, you can see what will be the result of the decision you had to make. So you ask yourself, what are you waiting for? So for me, what I was waiting for when it came to shutter closes, this Facebook group I was waiting for to feel a piece about it. Realistically, you feel like it was right then. That was the right decision. That’s the direction God wanted me to go in my business.

I was waiting to how to do it, how to do it correctly, or how to do it effectively or how to do it what I think is right. How to, you know, have built a community of where I was serving people. And now I’m telling, it’s telling people this community is no longer available. I’m no longer available to serve you in this capacity, you know? So I was waiting for I guess a way to do it that made me feel okay with this decision. Make me feel like I still did not leave my community hanging in any kind of way or fashion and just for me to be good about it, to feel good about it. At the end of the day, to feel like, yes, this is the right decision for me to make. So today we talked about how to make a decision quickly. We talked about what I kinda been up to and I use the example of how I came to making the decision to close on my Facebook community. By no means am I telling anybody else to do that. But just use this, these different steps as what questions to ask yourself to kind of coach yourself when there’s a decision that you’re tolling over, you’re losing sleep over, you’re not really sure what direction to go. You’re not sure if we should go left or right or this is the right thing to do off with their heads, I say.

And make, the quicker you make the decision, the quicker you can move on, the quicker you can get that time back in your life, the quicker you can be in the direction of what God has called you to do in this marketplace. So by all means, make any decisions you need to make when it comes to your faith, finances, order, freedom of business ownership. Make them quickly and get out there and go get it and do what you need to do in this market place. Make your mark, but first you need it starts with you making decisions quickly as the CEO of your business. Thank you for watching. Thank you for joining me. I will be coming back next Monday, 10:00 AM with a go get it show. When we’re talking about faith, finances, and the freedom of being a business owner. I Nefateria Fonda’ and I’m a coach, author, and inspiring speaker, and I have Christian wives that have service based business, increase their sales in a little as 90 days, like helping them get clear on who they serve and how they serve them, competent in the services that they offer so they can make these coins and close those sales.

All right, so the next time, thanks for watching. Have a great day. God bless. Bye.”