Can You Answer What Do You Do?

Apr 20, 2020 | Questions

Welcome to the Nef nugget where I give you one tip that will inspire you to act and motivate you to move. And I am Nefateria Fonda and I’m a certified business and sales coach for parallel-preneurs. That means you’re juggling your passion as well as your profession, alongside your nine to five. You’re building a service based business. I help you get clear on who you serve and how you serve them confident in your sales skills. So you can bring cash into your business. And on today’s Nef nugget, we’re talking about networking. One of the things that my clients seem to struggle with as well as other parallel-preneurs is being able to answer the question, what it is that they do when it comes to their business. Now, when they started working with me, they’re used to answering that question.

When it comes to their nine to five, they say, I work for this company. I’m a head of this department and they talk about the company that they work for and the position that they are in, in that company. But when it comes to working with me and become one of my clients, I tell them when they have an opportunity to network, whether it’s formal or informal, and somebody asks them what they do or what they’ve been up to, they need to lead with their business. What events are they getting ready, hope to host? What kind of clients they’re looking for? What new products are they been getting ready to offer to the market place, right? That is what they should be doing. So, they need to be able to do that clearly be able to communicate that information clearly. So people will understand truly who it is that you serve. How do you serve them and what will be the benefits so that when they come in contact with somebody that could utilize your service, then you are the top of mind, you are who they can refer to.

You should be able to distinctly tell them how you can help or who you help you help them do what so that easily you can put it in the script. I help X do Y so that they can, the, you have seven seconds to make a first impression. So what kind of impression is your business making when somebody asks you what you do, and you talk about your business, just think about that for a moment. What type of impression are you giving them? Right. If you’ve ever, ever been to a networking event. And I recently hosted one and the people that were clear who they serve, how they serve them. I was able to communicate that with people in my network and be able to help them get referrals, get possible clients and things of that nature for the people that were very general and the type of people that they work with or general and how they assisted them.

It was a little bit more difficult for me to think of people that I could possibly refer them to, whether it was a client or referral partner. So that is definitely something you need to consider. The next time you have an opportunity to answer the question, what do you do when it comes to your business?

So your one tip for today that will inspire you to act and motivate you to move is be sure you can clearly communicate your thirty second commercial for your business. Remember you only have seven seconds to make a first impression, what would the impression be for your business? So if you’re struggling with clearly communicating the answer to what do you do when it comes to your business, feel free to reach out to me and schedule a no obligation discovery session at I look forward to serving you and helping you and remember be profitable and be blessed. So the next time, bye for now.