by Nefateria Fonda´ | Jul 8, 2022 | Mindset
Click here for a Free Discovery Session There are some things in your business that have to be done consistently. It can be company culture, a business plan, or a strategy. Whatever these things are, we must build good company habits to survive in the market, and here...
by Nefateria Fonda´ | Jul 8, 2022 | Mindset
Click here for a Free Discovery Session Obedience is the act of complying with an order given to someone. As a business owner, sometimes obeying is an issue. Since we are used to being the boss and having people do what we say, obedience towards higher authority is...
by Nefateria Fonda´ | Jul 8, 2022 | Mindset
Click here for a Free Discovery Session As a business owner, the goal is to expand and grow. Alongside this is sharing our leadership and having to work with people in our circle. Hiring people such as assistants, managers, coaches, and others teaches us a few things...
by Nefateria Fonda´ | Mar 30, 2022 | Mindset
Click here for a Discovery Session Have you ever felt like you did not belong? Or do you think that you owe your success only to luck and not because you worked hard for it, and that you did not actually earn your achievements? I know that many ambitious,...
by Nefateria Fonda´ | Feb 24, 2022 | Mindset
How to ACT; That Will Change Your Life! As a Christian Parallel-preneur and business owner, I will not believe you when you tell me that there is not a single day that you have not had a bad day. Because we all have. Sometimes we see things not going our way, and...
by Nefateria Fonda´ | Feb 24, 2022 | Mindset
How to ACT; That Will Change Your Life! How many of us have plans or ideas or things we want to do with our business or in our lives, we are so excited to go in that direction because we think it’s a fantastic idea. We are always in a hurry to put our plans into...