I want you to know that email is not dead. 80% of buyers say that they prefer to hear from a seller via email.
Are you personally communicating with your prospects on a continued basis or not? Are you doing it only through social media?
These are some things I want to ask you so we can dig deep into your email marketing strategy.
So here are some of the best practices when it comes to email marketing.
1. Create personalized content that meets the need of your prospect.
You can’t just send out mass emails. You need to find out from your email list what kind of content they’re particularly interested in. Start segmenting the list then send out information based on what they’re interested in.
You need to send content referencing what your email list is more engaged in.
When you send personalized content, your prospects will more likely to open it and will see you as the expert in your industry or in your business.
2. Make sure you know how to write and what to write when it comes to your emails.
Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes. What kind of email will you want to hear coming from you? You have to think about communicating the way you want to be communicated and write it accordingly.
Make sure you’re giving value to your email list.
3. Write content using great and engaging headlines.
Always have a call-to-action button on your emails because your contact may be ready to purchase what it is that you have to offer.
You should be doing what it takes to get a higher open rate for your emails.
One way is, to start looking at the emails that you’ve opened before and keep a list of the headlines they used. In this way, you can get some inspiration when creating your own headlines.
Make sure your emails are Mobile-friendly too. If your contact reads your emails, no matter what device they’re using, it should be readable, clear, and mobile-friendly.
I encourage you to email your list and find out what it is that they want to hear from you. And start segmenting your list accordingly.
Be profitable and be blessed!