As an entrepreneur and also as a parallel-preneur, having an ideal customer means having an ideal prospect profile.

An ideal customer profile (ICP) helps you identify, find, and most importantly prioritize customers.

It also helps new clients feel valued and supported, and part of your community long after the service has ended

This may be time-consuming, nerve-wracking and sometimes challenging for an entrepreneur, but it’s what you need to do. With so many entrepreneurs competing for the attention of customers and clients, it only makes sense that you be more strategic when reaching out to your potential clients

There are many companies, businesses, and people out there, and since you can not target them all, you may be wondering where to start building that ideal prospect profile.

Here is how to create an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP).

Find the data.

Take the time to find out who your ideal customer really is. What does it look like? Go and talk to them, ask questions. The best way to build something is to talk to people. Go out and talk to the prospects and customers you want to attract. Get a picture of who they are, what they are struggling with, and what they want to accomplish. This is critical to a good prospect profile.

Conduct market research by looking in your database to see what people you have already worked with.

It is often beneficial to combine all the information you have found into a picture of the ideal prospect.

Create a list and profile for the top five of your customers, whether they are your best or worst customers, or your most profitable or least profitable customers.

Once you have the data, summarize it and look for commonalities that will help you create your ICP. If the company or your potential prospect does not seem to be a good fit for you based on your ICP, do not waste your time drifting aimlessly, jump off and go to the other side of this vast ocean of the prospecting possibilities

Look for solutions to problems.

Once you have created your ideal client profile, find out what problems your clients have. Know your client’s pain points, identify each of them, and then ask yourself how you or your business coaching services solve those pain points for them. If you know your ICP well, then you know how to solve your prospect’s problem now and in the future.

That’s why it’s so important to build the right customer profile. You can also use the ICP as a guide for segmenting your prospect list. Because by segmenting your customers, you can build trust and loyalty, provide better customer support, develop better services, and at the same time set the right price for your services.

I would like to suggest you an exercise: try to create your ideal prospecting. Add it to your customer profile and marching orders, and then create your customer profile list for the existing companies or for the clients you want to work with. You never know who your potential ideal customer or ideal prospect might be.

Be profitable and be blessed.