Are you a sucker who likes to say yes? When should you be saying no?

Sometimes you even think about saying “no” but suddenly you blurt out and say “yes”. I have had the same experience and can relate.

When I was young, I was taught that it is rude to say “no” and sometimes if you are one of those people who always say “no” you are labeled as a mean kid or someone you cannot get along with or who is not even polite. And because I was taught that way, I ended up hating the clothes I wear, eating the food I hate, and even doing things out of fear because I did not want to say “no”.

Rejection became my biggest fear. I was afraid that every time I said “no” I would disappoint someone, make them angry, hurt their feelings, or seem unkind or rude.

So today’s Nef Nuggets is about how to stop saying yes when you want to say no.

This is important because when you say “yes” to a customer who is not a good fit for you, you are saying “no” to others who are a perfect fit for you.

1. Get out of your comfort zone

Some of you are fighting the urge to work with less-than-ideal clients because they may be the same people you have been working with since the beginning, and now you have finally realized they are not a good fit for you. Just because it’s easier to close a deal or sell to someone you have already worked with, you continue to work with those people instead of stepping out of your comfort zone and gaining leads through other marketing tactics like networking and speaking engagements that are outside of your comfort zone.

2. Take control of your time

As parallel entrepreneurs, time is one of our most valuable assets. And we have a limited amount of it due to our other commitments. So when we say “yes” instead of “no,” we take away valuable time from other people we enjoy working with. Start prioritizing our ideal customer and trust that God is our provider. And because that’s the case, you do not have to struggle with your not-so-ideal customers for profit, but you can wait for your ideal customer because God will surely give you one.

3. Saying no sometimes means saying yes to other things that are most important to you

If you do not feel the urge to resist your not-so-ideal client, you will not have time to work with someone who will bring you so much joy. You should have a clear idea of your priorities so that you can become more efficient, save time and reduce stress. But at the same time, be respectful and kind when you say no. You have to learn a lot to hone your skills so that in the future you will be able to easily recognize and deal with your ideal clients.

I hope these simple tips help you a lot.

Be profitable and be blessed.