What is a VISION?

Vision is a picture of the result that you want to achieve, something that should be very clear and with a  very strong picture, it is not fuzzy, but, very vivid, very crisp, very clear, and very colorful picture of what you want to achieve for your life and your business.  And because it is very strong,  it almost makes the result real,  because that vision is very strong.   It is a mental picture of the future you desire. An expression of all your hopes and dreams, a picture of something that is not yet happening but what the future may hold.  

Nobody wants a  vague vision – no dreams, no hopes but a clear picture that we know can give us a real result.  Having a clear vision is critical.  It is a very powerful tool to achieve the result you want. 

Why having a Vision is Important?

Having a vision is so important because it provides a sense of purpose and direction for the business. 

Your vision will help you define your short and long-term goals, and guide the decisions you make along the way.  It is the What, Where, Why, and Who you want your business to be.  Vision is the reason why your business exists, it is your purpose, passion, and cause. 

How Vision drives your overall goal?

1. Guides you in decision making

Vision will help you in your decision-making.  It aligns and defines your short and long-term goals.  It also provides you with a sense of purpose, inspiration, and motivation. 

2. Gives you focus

Just like having a map, having a vision will keep you and everybody around you focused. Keeping your focus on your vision will guide you in the right direction.  Having one without, will falter and quickly sidetrack you by every tiny distraction that you will meet along the way.

3. Inspires you

Having a solid and concrete vision gives you the ability to inspire and motivate others through your concept or idea.  It will set a benchmark of where your business wants to be in years.  The purpose of vision will leave two folds; it will create a long-term strategy from where your business is going and second it will align everyone around the business direction.

4. Build your faith

Having a vision board is more than a statement that we put in our business profile, it is sewn into the fabric of our relationship within our team and with our client, it is your driving force that defines what you do and why you do it. It is the faith that keeps you going and keeps you believing that you are on the right track and you will achieve your goals in no time.

5. Makes you persistent

It is easy to persist when things are going well and you see good progress, but when you face a major setback that slows you to move closer towards your goals, vision makes you more persistent and brings you back to work.  You have this burning desire that despite the repeated failure, dead ends, and a period when it seems like no progress at all, you will keep on going through these tough times because you believe in your vision.

My final thoughts

Having a vision makes business more meaningful.  It gives everyone around clarity of a much bigger picture of the business goals.  It improves decision making, strengthens and inspires each other that will lead to building each other’s faith and at the same time targeting the right customers.

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